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The Name Frequency Recognition Podcast Episode 5: NFR in Action

Steven Michael introduces his novel approach to decoding the messages inherent to your names. He calls this perception of his, “Name Frequency Recognition”— that is, he recognizes the unique frequencies encoded in your names.

This deciphering method of his is teachable, and with this first video he seeks to help you bring yourself into this profound school of thought. Steven looks forward to providing you with the avenue for developing a new lens for viewing the world, and for viewing yourself.

The Name Frequency Recognition Podcast Episode 4: I Look Forward

Steven and Draper discuss the importance of taking charge of one’s own mind and whilst doing so, reminding oneself that “this mind is now under new management”— like a card dealership.

When one chooses to look forward, one becomes more receptive to what may or may not transpire; in either case, maintaining this changed mindset allows for a more fluid integration of oneself with change that comes whether we like it or not.

The Name Frequency Recognition Podcast Episode 3: The Ocean or the Forest?

Steven and Draper discuss the following question and its manifold implications: If you are asked which place you’d rather visit— the ocean or the forest— which is the first image to enter your mind?

The Name Frequency Recognition Podcast Episode 2: Validation Precedes Existence

Steven and Draper discuss the importance of giving people the room to exist— validation precedes existence.

How do you exist the people you meet, including yourself?

The Name Frequency Recognition Podcast Episode 1: Introduction and Hello

We are ecstatic to present to you Steven’s worldview, our mission statement, and our hopes for the future of this community.

We’re looking forward to a cavalcade of more!

Take care out there.


Stay tuned for our upcoming forum page alongside our blog and podcast projects. We are excited for you to join us in our future discussions on virtues, interdimensional travel, adventure, self improvement, suffering, and much more.